Saturday, January 24, 2009

This might be tougher than I thought...

So the connection gets really fickel when I start trying to post photos so this may be a 'when I can I will' style of posting...Either way, after our week in Santiago, we made it onto our charter flight down to Ushuaia, Argentina where we boarded the ship and set sail last evening. The time down here is two hours ahead of East Coast U.S. time just for reference. I am writing right now from the lounge of the ship as we cross the Drake Pass which is between Argentina and Antarctica. We expect to be able to see Antarctica as early as tomorrow and will probably make a landing on some of the outlying islands. I will work on getting some images posted as soon as I can.

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys!!!! Its ang and gauge!! gauge is doing well aside from the fact that i have to make katies bed almost daily because he drags the blankets and pillows into the hall and the livingroom daily! it was kinda funny the first time. i think he misses u guys!! i would have written you sooner but katie put an extra dot in the address so i just figured it out. theres not a whole lot going on back here at home. i hope you both are having alot of fun!! we love you!!!
    Ang and Gauge
